# CGIProxy 2.0.1
# nph-proxy.cgi-- CGIProxy 2.0.1: a proxy in the form of a CGI script.
# Retrieves the resource at any HTTP or FTP URL, updating embedded URLs
# in HTML resources to point back through this script. By default, no
# user info is sent to the server. Options include text-only proxying
# to save bandwidth, cookie filtering, ad filtering, script removal,
# user-defined encoding of the target URL, and more. Requires Perl 5.
# Copyright (C) 1996, 1998-2002 by James Marshall, james@jmarshall.com
# All rights reserved.
# For the latest, see http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/cgiproxy/
# CGIProxy was originally made for indirect browsing more than
# anonymity, but since people are using it for anonymity, I've tried
# to make it as anonymous as possible. Suggestions welcome. For best
# anonymity, browse with JavaScript turned off. In fact, that's the
# only reliable way, in spite of what certain anonymity vendors claim.
# Anonymity is pretty good, but may not be bulletproof. For example,
# if even a single JavaScript statement can be run, your anonymity can
# be compromised. I've tried to remove JS from every place it can
# exist, but please tell me if I missed any. Also, browser plugins or
# other executable extensions may be able to reveal you to a server.
# If you find any way your anonymity can be compromised even with scripts
# turned off, please let me know.
# None required in most situations. On some servers, these might be
# required (all in the "user configuration" section):
# . If you're using another HTTP or SSL proxy, set $HTTP_PROXY,
# $SSL_PROXY, and $NO_PROXY as needed. If those proxies use
# authentication, set $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH accordingly.
# . If this is running on an SSL server that doesn't use port 443, set
# $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER=1 (otherwise, the default of '' is fine).
# Options include:
# $HIDE_REFERER, and $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM as desired. Set
# $REMOVE_SCRIPTS if anonymity is important.
# . To let the user choose all of those settings (except $TEXT_ONLY),
# . To change the encoding format of the URL, modify the
# proxy_encode() and proxy_decode() routines. The default
# routines are suitable for simple PATH_INFO compliance.
# . To encode cookies, modify the cookie_encode() and cookie_decode()
# routines.
# . You can restrict which servers this proxy will access, with
# . Similarly, you can specify allowed and denied server lists for
# both cookies and scripts.
# . For security, you can ban access to private IP ranges, with
# . If filtering ads, you can customize this with a few settings.
# . To insert your own block of HTML into each page, set $INSERT_HTML
# . As a last resort, if you really can't run this script as NPH,
# you can try to run it as non-NPH by setting $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH=1.
# BUT, read the notes and warnings above that line. Caveat surfor.
# . For crude load-balancing among a set of proxies, set @PROXY_GROUP.
# . Other config is possible; see the user configuration section.
# . If heavy use of this proxy puts a load on your server, see the
# "NOTES ON PERFORMANCE" section below.
# For more info, read the comments regarding any config options you set.
# This script MUST be installed as a non-parsed header (NPH) script.
# In Apache and many other servers, this is done by simply starting the
# filename with "nph-". It MAY be possible to fake it as a non-NPH
# script, MOST of the time, by using the $NOT_RUNNING_AS_NPH feature.
# This is not advised. See the comments by that option for warnings.
# Start a browsing session by calling the script with no parameters.
# You can bookmark pages you browse to through the proxy, or link to
# the URLs that are generated.
# Unfortunately, this has gotten slower through the versions, mostly
# because of optional new features. Configured equally, version 1.3
# takes 25% longer to run than 1.0 or 1.1 (based on *cough* highly
# abbreviated testing). Compiling takes about 50% longer.
# Leaving $REMOVE_SCRIPTS=1 adds 25-50% to the running time.
# Remember that we're talking about tenths of a second here. Most of
# the delay experienced by the user is from waiting on two network
# connections. These performance issues only matter if your server
# CPU is getting overloaded. Also, these only matter when retrieving
# HTML, because it's the HTML modification that takes all the time.
# If you can, use mod_perl. Starting with version 1.3.1, this should
# work under mod_perl, which requires Perl 5.004 or later. If you use
# mod_perl, be careful to install this as an NPH script, i.e. set the
# "PerlSendHeader Off" configuration directive. For more info, see the
# mod_perl documentation.
# If you use mod_perl and modify this script, see the note near the
# "reset 'a-z'" line below, regarding UPPER_CASE and lower_case
# variables.
# TO DO:
# What I want to hear about:
# . Any HTML tags not being converted here.
# . Any method of introducing JavaScript or other script, that's not
# being filtered out here.
# . Any script MIME types other than those already in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES.
# . Any MIME types other than text/html that have links that need to
# be converted.
# plug any other script holes (e.g. MSIE-proprietary, other MIME types?)
# This could use cleaner URL-encoding all over ($base_url, etc.)
# more error checking?
# find a simple encryption technique for proxy_encode()
# support more protocols, like mailto: or gopher:
# For ad filtering, add option to disable images from servers other than
# that of the containing HTML page? Is it worth it?
# Anonymity may not not perfect. In particular, there may be some remaining
# JavaScript holes.
# URLs generated by JavaScript or similar mechanisms won't be re-proxy'ed
# correctly. JavaScript in general may not work as expected.
# Since ALL of your cookies are sent to this script (which then chooses
# the relevant ones), some cookies could conceivably be dropped if
# you accumulate a whole lot. I haven't seen this happen yet.
# I first wrote this in 1996 as an experiment to allow indirect browsing.
# The original seed was a program I wrote for Rich Morin's article
# in the June 1996 issue of Unix Review, online at
# http://www.cfcl.com/tin/P/199606.shtml.
# Confession: I didn't originally write this with the spec for HTTP
# proxies in mind, and there are probably some violations of the protocol
# (at least for proxies). This whole thing is one big violation of the
# proxy model anyway, so I hereby rationalize that the spec can be widely
# interpreted here. If there is demand, I can make it more conformant.
# The HTTP client and server components should be fine; it's just the
# special requirements for proxies that may not be followed.
use strict ;
use Socket ;
# First block below is config variables, second block is sort-of config
# variables, third block is persistent constants, fourth block is would-be
# persistent constants (not set until needed), and last block is variables.
use vars qw(
$packed_flags $encoded_URL $doing_insert_here $env_accept
$e_remove_cookies $e_remove_scripts $e_filter_ads $e_insert_entry_form
$images_are_banned_here $scripts_are_banned_here $cookies_are_banned_here
$scheme $authority $path $host $port $username $password
$cookie_to_server %auth
$script_url $url_start $url_start_inframe $url_start_noframe
$is_in_frame $expected_type
$base_url $base_scheme $base_host $base_path $base_unframes
$default_style_type $default_script_type
$status $headers $body $is_html $response_sent
$debug ) ;
# Under mod_perl, persistent constants only need to be initialized once, so
# use this one-time block to do so.
unless ($HAS_BEGUN) {
# user configuration
# If set, then proxy traffic will be restricted to text data only, to save
# bandwidth (though it can still be circumvented with uuencode, etc.).
$TEXT_ONLY= 0 ; # set to 1 to allow only text data, 0 to allow all
# If set, then prevent all cookies from passing through the proxy. To allow
# cookies from some servers, set this to 0 and see @ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS
# and @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS below. You can also prevent cookies with
# images by setting $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE below.
# Note that this only affects cookies from the target server. The proxy
# script sends its own cookies for other reasons too, like to support
# authentication. This flag does not stop these cookies from being sent.
# If set, then remove as much scripting as possible. If anonymity is
# important, this is strongly recommended! Better yet, turn off script
# support in your browser.
# On the HTTP level:
# . prevent transmission of script MIME types (which only works if the server
# marks them as such, so a malicious server could get around this, but
# then the browser probably wouldn't execute the script).
# . remove Link: headers that link to a resource of a script MIME type.
# Within HTML resources:
# . remove .
# . remove intrinsic event attributes from tags, i.e. attributes whose names
# begin with "on".
# . remove where "type" attribute is a script MIME type.
# . remove various HTML tags that appear to link to a script MIME type.
# . remove script macros (aka Netscape-specific "JavaScript entities"),
# i.e. any attributes containing the string "&{" .
# . remove "JavaScript conditional comments".
# . remove MSIE-specific "dynamic properties".
# To allow scripts from some sites but not from others, set this to 0 and
# See @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES below for a list of which MIME types are filtered out.
# I do NOT know for certain that this removes all script content! It removes
# all that I know of, but I don't have a definitive list of places scripts
# can exist. If you do, please send it to me. EVEN RUNNING A SINGLE
# Richard Smith has a good test site for anonymizing proxies, at
# http://users.rcn.com/rms2000/anon/test.htm
# Note that turning this on removes most popup ads! :)
# If set, then filter out images that match one of @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS,
# below. Also removes cookies attached to images, as if $NO_COOKIE_WITH_IMAGE
# is set.
# To remove most popup advertisements, also set $REMOVE_SCRIPTS=1 above.
# If set, then don't send a Referer: [sic] header with each request
# (i.e. something that tells the server which page you're coming from
# that linked to it). This is a minor privacy issue, but a few sites
# won't send you pages or images if the Referer: is not what they're
# expecting. If a page is loading without images or a link seems to be
# refused, then try turning this off, and a correct Referer: header will
# be sent.
# This is only a problem in a VERY small percentage of sites, so few that
# I'm kinda hesitant to put this in the entry form. Other arrangements
# have their own problems, though.
# If set, insert a compact version of the URL entry form at the top of each
# page. This will also display the URL currently being viewed.
# When viewing a page with frames, then a new top frame is created and the
# insertion goes there.
# If you want to customize the appearance of the form, modify the routine
# mini_start_form() near the end of the script.
# If you want to insert something other than this form, see $INSERT_HTML and
# $INSERT_FILE below.
# Users should realize that options changed via the form only take affect when
# the form is submitted by entering a new URL or pressing the "Go" button.
# Selecting an option, then following a link on the page, will not cause
# the option to take effect.
# Users should also realize that anything inserted into a page may throw
# off any precise layout. The insertion will also be subject to
# background colors and images, and any other page-wide settings.
# If set, then allow the user to control $REMOVE_COOKIES, $REMOVE_SCRIPTS,
# can't fine-tune any related options, such as the various @ALLOWED... and
# @BANNED... lists.
# Create your own proxy_encode() and proxy_decode() to tranform the target
# URL to and from the format that will be stored in PATH_INFO. The encoded
# form should only contain characters that are legal in PATH_INFO. This
# varies by server, but using only printable chars, no "?" or "#", and no
# two adjacent slashes ("//") works on most servers. Don't let PATH_INFO
# contain the strings "./", "/.", "../", or "/..", or else it may get
# compressed like a pathname somewhere. Try not to make the resulting
# string too long, either.
# Of course, proxy_decode() must exactly undo whatever proxy_encode() does.
# Make proxy_encode() as fast as possible-- it's a major bottleneck for the
# whole program.
# Because of the simplified absolute URL resolution in full_url(), there may
# be ".." segments in the default encoding here, notably in the first path
# segment. Normally, that's just an HTML mistake, but please tell me if
# you see any privacy exploit with it.
# Note that a few sites have embedded applications (like applets or Shockwave)
# that expect to access URLs relative to the page's URL. This means they
# may not work if the encoded target URL can't be treated like a base URL,
# e.g. that it can't be appended with something like "../data/foo.data"
# to get that expected data file. In such cases, the default encoding below
# should let these sites work fine, as should any other encoding that can
# support URLs relative to it.
sub proxy_encode {
my($URL)= @_ ;
$URL=~ s#^([\w+.-]+)://#$1/# ; # http://xxx -> http/xxx
# $URL=~ s/(.)/ sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # each char -> 2-hex
# $URL=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13
return $URL ;
sub proxy_decode {
my($enc_URL)= @_ ;
# $enc_URL=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13
# $enc_URL=~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/ sprintf("%c",hex($1)) /ge ;
$enc_URL=~ s#^([\w+.-]+)/#$1://# ; # http/xxx -> http://xxx
return $enc_URL ;
# Encode cookies before they're sent back to the user.
# The return value must only contain characters that are legal in cookie
# names and values, i.e. only printable characters, and no ";", ",", "=",
# or white space.
# cookie_encode() is called twice for each cookie: once to encode the cookie
# name, and once to encode the cookie value. The two are then joined with
# "=" and sent to the user.
# cookie_decode() must exactly undo whatever cookie_encode() does.
# Also, cookie_encode() must always encode a given input string into the
# same output string. This is because browsers need the cookie name to
# identify and manage a cookie, so the name must be consistent.
# This is not a bottleneck like proxy_encode() is, so speed is not critical.
sub cookie_encode {
my($cookie)= @_ ;
# $cookie=~ s/(.)/ sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # each char -> 2-hex
# $cookie=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13
$cookie=~ s/(\W)/ '%' . sprintf('%02x',ord($1)) /ge ; # simple URL-encoding
return $cookie ;
sub cookie_decode {
my($enc_cookie)= @_ ;
$enc_cookie=~ s/%([\da-fA-F]{2})/ pack('C', hex($1)) /ge ; # URL-decode
# $enc_cookie=~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/ ; # rot-13
# $enc_cookie=~ s/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/ sprintf("%c",hex($1)) /ge ;
return $enc_cookie ;
# Use @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS to restrict which servers a user
# can visit through this proxy. Any URL at a host matching a pattern in
# @BANNED_SERVERS will be forbidden. In addition, if @ALLOWED_SERVERS is
# not empty, then access is allowed *only* to servers that match a pattern
# in it. In other words, @BANNED_SERVERS means "ban these servers", and
# @ALLOWED_SERVERS (if not empty) means "allow only these servers". If a
# server matches both lists, it is banned.
# These are each a list of Perl 5 regular expressions (aka patterns or
# regexes), not literal host names. To turn a hostname into a pattern,
# replace every "." with "\.", add "^" to the beginning, and add "$" to the
# end. For example, "www.example.com" becomes "^www\.example\.com$". To
# match *every* host ending in something, leave out the "^". For example,
# "\.example\.com$" matches every host ending in ".example.com". For more
# details about Perl regular expressions, see the Perl documentation. (They
# may seem cryptic at first, but they're very powerful once you know how to
# use them.)
# If @BANNED_NETWORKS is set, then forbid access to these hosts or networks.
# This is done by IP address, not name, so it provides more certain security
# than @BANNED_SERVERS above.
# Specify each element as a decimal IP address-- all four integers for a host,
# or one to three integers for a network. For example, '' bans
# access to the local host, and '192.168' bans access to all IP addresses
# in the 192.168 network. Sorry, no banning yet for subnets other than
# 8, 16, or 24 bits.
# RECOMMENDED!! In particular, you should ban access to other machines
# inside the firewall that the firewall machine itself may have access to.
# Otherwise, external users will be able to access any internal hosts that
# the firewall can access. Even if that's what you intend, you should ban
# access to any hosts that you don't explicitly want to expose to outside
# users.
# In addition to the recommended defaults below, add all IP addresses of your
# server machine if you want to protect it like this.
# After you set this, YOU SHOULD TEST to verify that the proxy can't access
# the IP addresses you're banning!
# This feature is simple now but will be more complete in future releases.
# How would you like this to be extended? What would be useful to you?
@BANNED_NETWORKS= ('', '192.168', '10') ;
# Settings to fine-tune cookie filtering, if cookies are not banned altogether
# (by user checkbox or $REMOVE_COOKIES above).
# servers can send cookies through this proxy. They work like
# @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS above, both in how their precedence
# works, and that they're lists of Perl 5 regular expressions. See the
# comments there for details.
# If non-empty, only allow cookies from servers matching one of these patterns.
# Comment this out to allow all cookies (subject to @BANNED_COOKIE_SERVERS).
#@ALLOWED_COOKIE_SERVERS= ('\bslashdot\.org$') ;
# Reject cookies from servers matching these patterns.
) ;
# Set this to reject cookies returned with images. This actually prevents
# cookies returned with any non-text resource.
# Settings to fine-tune script filtering, if scripts are not banned altogether
# (by user checkbox or $REMOVE_SCRIPTS above).
# servers you'll allow scripts from. They work like @ALLOWED_SERVERS and
# @BANNED_SERVERS above, both in how their precedence works, and that
# they're lists of Perl 5 regular expressions. See the comments there for
# details.
# Various options to help filter ads and stop cookie-based privacy invasion.
# These are only effective if $FILTER_ADS is set above.
# @BANNED_IMAGE_URL_PATTERNS uses Perl patterns. If an image's URL
# matches one of the patterns, it will not be downloaded (typically for
# ad-filtering). For more information on Perl regular expressions, see
# the Perl documentation.
# Note that most popup ads will be removed if scripts are removed (see
# If ad-filtering is your primary motive, consider using one of the many
# proxies that specialize in that. The classic is from JunkBusters, at
# http://www.junkbusters.com .
# Reject images whose URL matches any of these patterns. This is just a
# sample list; add more depending on which sites you visit.
) ;
# If set, replace banned images with 1x1 transparent GIF.
# If either $INSERT_HTML or $INSERT_FILE is set, then that HTML text or the
# contents of that named file (respectively) will be inserted into any HTML
# page retrieved through this proxy. $INSERT_HTML takes precedence over
# When viewing a page with frames, a new top frame is created and the
# insertions go there.
# NOTE: Any HTML you insert should not have relative URLs in it! The problem
# is that there is no appropriate base URL to resolve them with. So only use
# absolute URLs in your insertion. (If you use relative URLs anyway, then
# a) if $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION is set, they'll be resolved relative to this
# script's URL, which isn't great, or b) if $ANONYMIZE_INSERTION==0,
# they'll be unchanged and the browser will simply resolve them relative
# to the current page, which is usually worse.)
# The frame handling means that it's fairly easy for a surfer to bypass this
# insertion, by pretending in effect to be in a frame. There's not much we
# can do about that, since a page is retrieved the same way regardless of
# whether it's in a frame. This script uses a parameter in the URL to
# communicate to itself between calls, but the user can merely change that
# URL to make the script think it's retrieving a page for a frame. Also,
# many browsers let the user expand a frame's contents into a full window.
# [The warning in earlier versions about setting $INSERT_HTML to '' when using
# mod_perl and $INSERT_FILE no longer applies. It's all handled elsewhere.]
# As with $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, note that any insertion may throw off any
# precise layout, and the insertion is subject to background colors and
# other page-wide settings.
This is an inserted header
" ;
#$INSERT_FILE= 'insert_file_name' ;
# If your insertion has links that you want anonymized along with the rest
# of the downloaded HTML, then set this to 1. Otherwise leave it at 0.
# If there's both a URL entry form and an insertion via $INSERT_HTML or
# $INSERT_FILE on the same page, the entry form normally goes at the top.
# Set this to put it after the other insertion.
# If the insertion is put in a top frame, then this is how many pixels high
# the frame is. If the default of 80 or 50 pixels is too big or too small
# for your insertion, change this. You can use percentage of screen height
# if you prefer, e.g. "20%". (Unfortunately, you can't just tell the
# browser to "make it as high as it needs to be", but at least the frame
# will be resizable by the user.)
# This affects insertions by $INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, $INSERT_HTML, and $INSERT_FILE.
# The default here usually works for the inserted entry form, which varies in
# size depending on $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG. It also varies by browser.
# Set this to 1 if the script is running on an SSL server, i.e. it is
# accessed through a URL starting with "https:"; set this to 0 if it's not
# running on an SSL server. This is needed to know how to route URLs back
# through the proxy. Regrettably, standard CGI does not yet provide a way
# for scripts to determine this without help.
# If this variable is set to '' or left undefined, then the program will
# guess: SSL is assumed if and only if SERVER_PORT is 443. This fails
# if SSL is used on another port, or (less commonly) a non-SSL server uses
# port 443, but usually it works. Besides being a good default, it lets
# you install the script where both a secure server and a non-secure server
# will serve it, and it will work correctly through either server.
# This has nothing to do with retrieving pages that are on SSL servers.
# If your server doesn't support NPH scripts, then set this variable to true
# and try running the script as a normal non-NPH script. HOWEVER, this
# won't work as well as running it as NPH; there may be bugs, maybe some
# privacy holes, and results may not be consistent. It's a hack.
# Try to install the script as NPH before you use this option, because
# this may not work. NPH is supported on almost all servers, and it's
# usually very easy to install a script as NPH (on Apache, for example,
# you just need to name the script something starting with "nph-").
# One example of a problem is that Location: headers may get messed up,
# because they mean different things in an NPH and a non-NPH script.
# You have been warned.
# For this to work, your server MUST support the "Status:" CGI response
# header.
# Set HTTP and SSL proxies if needed. Also see $USE_PASSIVE_FTP_MODE below.
# The format of the first two variables is "host:port", with the port being
# optional. The format of $NO_PROXY is a comma-separated list of hostnames
# or domains: any request for a hostname that ends in one of the strings in
# $NO_PROXY will not use the HTTP or SSL proxy; e.g. use ".mycompany.com" to
# avoid using the proxies to access any host in the mycompany.com domain.
# The environment variables in the examples below are appropriate defaults,
# if they are available. Note that earlier versions of this script used
# the environment variables directly, instead of the $HTTP_PROXY and
# $NO_PROXY variables we use now.
# Sometimes you can use the same proxy (like Squid) for both SSL and normal
# HTTP, in which case $HTTP_PROXY and $SSL_PROXY will be the same.
# $NO_PROXY applies to both SSL and normal HTTP proxying, which is usually
# appropriate. If there's demand to differentiate those, it wouldn't be
# hard to make a separate $SSL_NO_PROXY option.
#$HTTP_PROXY= $ENV{'http_proxy'} ;
#$SSL_PROXY= 'firewall.example.com:3128' ;
#$NO_PROXY= $ENV{'no_proxy'} ;
# If your HTTP and SSL proxies require authentication, this script supports
# that in a limited way: you can have a single username/password pair per
# proxy to authenticate with, regardless of realm. In other words, multiple
# realms aren't supported for proxy authentication (though they are for
# normal server authentication, elsewhere).
# Set $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH either in the form of "username:password",
# or to the actual base64 string that gets sent in the Proxy-Authorization:
# header. Often the two variables will be the same, when the same proxy is
# used for both SSL and normal HTTP.
#$PROXY_AUTH= 'Aladdin:open sesame' ;
# Here's an experimental feature that may or may not be useful. It's trivial
# to add, so I added it. It was inspired in part by Mike Reiter's and Avi
# Rubin's "Crowds", at http://www.research.att.com/projects/crowds/ .
# Let me know if you find a use for it.
# The idea is that you have a number of mutually-trusting, cooperating
# proxies that you list in @PROXY_GROUP(). If that is set, then instead
# of rerouting all URLs back through this proxy, the script will choose
# one of these proxies at random to reroute all URLs through, for each
# run. This could be used to balance the load among several proxies, for
# example. Under certain conditions it could conceivably help privacy by
# making it harder to track a user's session, but under certain other
# conditions it could make it easier, depending on how many people,
# proxies, and proxy servers are involved. For each page, both its
# included images and followed links will go through the same proxy, so a
# clever target server could determine which proxy servers are in each
# group.
# proxy_encode() and proxy_decode() must be the same for all proxies in the
# group. Same goes for pack_flags() and unpack_flags() if you modified them,
# and probably certain other routines and configuration options.
# Cookies and Basic authentication can't be supported with this, sorry, since
# cookies can only be sent back to the proxy that created them.
# Set this to a list of absolute URLs of proxies, ending with "nph-proxy.cgi"
# (or whatever you named the script). Be sure to include the URL of this
# proxy, or it will never redirect back through here. Each proxy in the
# group should have the same @PROXY_GROUP.
# Alternately, you could set each proxy's @PROXY_GROUP differently for more
# creative configuration, such as to balance the load unevenly, or to send
# users through a "round-robin" cycle of proxies.
#@PROXY_GROUP= ('http://www.example.com/~grommit/proxy/nph-proxy.cgi',
# 'http://www.fnord.mil/langley/bavaria/atlantis/nph-proxy.cgi',
# 'http://www.nothinghere.gov/No/Such/Agency/nph-proxy.cgi',
# ) ;
# Normally, your browser stores all pages you download in your computer's
# hard drive and memory, in the "cache". This saves a lot of time and
# bandwidth the next time you view the page (especially with images, which
# are bigger and may be shared among several pages). However, in some
# situations you may not want the pages you've visited to be stored. If
# $MINIMIZE_CACHING is set, then this proxy will try its best to prevent any
# caching of anything retrieved through it.
# NOTE: This cannot guarantee that no caching will happen. All we can do is
# instruct the browser not to cache anything. A faulty or malicious browser
# could cache things anyway if it chose to.
# NOTE: This has nothing to do with your browser's "history list", which may
# also store a list of URLs you've visited.
# NOTE: If you use this, you will use a lot more bandwidth than without it,
# and pages will seemingly load slower, because if a browser can't cache
# anything locally then it has to load everything across the network every
# time it needs something.
# Normally, each cookie includes an expiration time/date, and the cookie stays
# in effect until then, even after you exit your browser and restart it
# (which normally means the cookie is stored on the hard drive). Any cookie
# that has no explicit expiration date is a "session cookie", and stays in
# effect only as long as the browser is running, and presumably is forgotten
# after that. If you set $SESSION_COOKIES_ONLY=1, then *all* cookies that
# pass through this proxy will be changed to session cookies. This is useful
# at a public terminal, or wherever you don't want your cookies to remain
# after you exit the browser.
# NOTE: The clock on the server where this runs must be correct for this
# option to work right! It doesn't have to be exact, but don't have it off
# by hours or anything like that. The problem is that we must not alter any
# cookies set to expire in the past, because that's how sites delete cookies.
# If a cookie is being deleted, we DON'T want to turn it into a session
# cookie. So this script will not alter any cookies set to expire before the
# current time according to the system clock.
# Set $USER_AGENT to something generic like this if you want to be extra
# careful. Conceivably, revealing which browser you're using may be a
# slight privacy or security risk.
# However, note that some URLs serve different pages depending on which
# browser you're using, so some pages will change if you set this.
# This defaults to the user's HTTP_USER_AGENT.
#$USER_AGENT= 'Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i586)' ;
# FTP transfers can happen in either passive or non-passive mode. Passive
# mode works better if the client (this script) is behind a firewall. Some
# people consider passive mode to be more secure, too. But in certain
# network configurations, if this script has trouble connecting to FTP
# servers, you can turn this off to try non-passive mode.
# See http://cr.yp.to/ftp/security.html for a discussion of security issues
# regarding passive and non-passive FTP.
# Unlike a normal browser which can keep an FTP session open between requests,
# this script must make a new connection with each request. Thus, the
# FTP welcome message (e.g. the README file) will be received every time;
# there's no way for this script to know if you've been here before. Set
# $SHOW_FTP_WELCOME to true to always show the welcome message, or false
# to never show it.
# Apparently, some censoring filters search outgoing request URIs, but not
# POST request bodies. Set this to make the initial input form submit
# using POST instead of GET.
# Apparently, some censoring filters look at titles on HTML pages. Set this
# to remove HTML page titles.
# If set, this option prevents a user from calling the proxy through the
# proxy itself, i.e. looping. It's normally a mistake on the user's part,
# and a waste of resources.
# This isn't foolproof; it just catches the obvious mistakes. It's probably
# pretty easy for a malicious user to make the script call itself, or s/he
# can always use two proxies to call each other in a loop. This doesn't
# account for IP addresses or multiple hostnames for the same server.
# Set this to leave out the "Restart" link at the bottom of error pages, etc.
# In some situations this could make it harder for search engines to find the
# start page.
# For the obscure case when a POST must be repeated because of user
# authentication, this is the max size of the request body that this
# script will store locally. If CONTENT_LENGTH is bigger than this,
# the body's not saved at all-- the first POST will be correct, but
# the second will not happen at all (since a partial POST is worse than
# nothing).
$MAX_REQUEST_SIZE= 4194304 ; # that's 4 Meg to you and me
# Normally, if a user tries to access a banned server or use an unsupported
# scheme (protocol), this script will alert the user with a warning page, and
# either allow the user to click through to the URL unprotected (i.e. without
# using the proxy), or ban access altogether. However, in some VPN-like
# installations, it may more desirable to let users follow links from
# protected pages (e.g. within an intranet) that lead to unprotected,
# unproxified pages (e.g. pages outside of the intranet), with no breaks in
# the browsing experience. (This example assumes the proxy owner intends it
# to be used for browsing only the intranet and not the Internet at large.)
# Set $QUIETLY_EXIT_PROXY_SESSION to skip any warning message and let the
# user surf directly to unproxified pages from proxified pages. Note that
# this somewhat changes the meaning of @ALLOWED_SERVERS and @BANNED_SERVERS--
# they're not allowed or banned per se, it's just whether this proxy is
# willing to handle their traffic. @BANNED_NETWORKS is unaffected, however,
# since the IP ranges it contains often make no sense outside of the LAN.
# Stuff below here you probably shouldn't modify unless you're messing with
# the code.
# The framework is in place to modify script content to pass back through the
# proxy, though the actual code that modifies a single script block of a
# given type are not done. If you want to, say, modify JavaScript in
# certain ways that work for your purpose, then see the routine
# proxify_block(). If you set this $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS flag to true, then
# proxify_block() will be called for every piece of script that comes
# through this proxy.
# So, to modify script content like this: a) set this flag to true, and b) go
# write some code in proxify_block() that modifies the script content the
# way you want. You probably want to use the routine full_url(); go read
# what it does. Also see @TYPES_TO_HANDLE and @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES below.
# Don't set this unless you actually do that programming. Without any added
# code, it won't do anything but slow down the program-- dealing with the
# script-modifying framework takes longer than merely removing scripts, and
# both take a lot longer than leaving scripts intact.
# Limited testing shows this adds 20-30% to the running time for script-heavy
# sites, and very little for script-free sites. However, this number varies
# greatly from page to page. This is only the overhead involved in
# separating out the script content to call proxify_block(); this does not
# include anything that is actually done in that routine.
# NOTE: This is still experimental. The framework should work fine, but what
# goes in proxify_block() is up to you.
# NOTE TOO: You will almost certainly not be able to anonymize JavaScript
# completely. It's not hard to do "mostly", but it turns out to be a very
# complex problem to do completely; there will almost certainly be exploits
# that a malicious server can use to get a user's identity. The purpose of
# this feature is more to allow scripts to function through the proxy, than
# to provide bulletproof anonymity. You may be able to get better anonymity
# if you remove certain script statements altogether rather than try to
# modify them, and accept that doing so may break a few scripts.
# Comments may contain HTML in them, which shouldn't be rendered but may be
# relevant in some other way. Set this flag if you want the contents of
# comments to be proxified like the rest of the page, i.e. proxify URLs,
# stylesheets, scripts, etc.
# This lists all MIME types that could identify a script, and which will be
# filtered out as well as possible if removing scripts: HTTP responses with
# Content-Type: set to one of these will be nixed, certain HTML which links
# to one of these types will be removed, style sheets with a type here will
# be removed, and other odds and ends.
# These are used in matching, so can't contain special regex characters.
# This list is also used for the the experimental $PROXIFY_SCRIPTS function.
# This list contains all script MIME types I know of, but I can't guarantee
# it's a complete list. It's largely taken from the examples at
# http://www.robinlionheart.com/stds/html4/scripts.html
# That page describes only the first four below as valid.
# The page at ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/media-types/media-types
# lists all media (MIME) types registered with the IANA, but unfortunately
# many script types (especially proprietary ones) have not registered with
# them, and that list doesn't specify which types are script content anyway.
@SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES= ('application/x-javascript', 'application/x-ecmascript',
'application/x-vbscript', 'application/x-perlscript',
'application/javascript', 'application/ecmascript',
'text/javascript', 'text/ecmascript', 'text/jscript',
'text/livescript', 'text/vbscript', 'text/vbs',
'text/perlscript', 'text/tcl',
'text/x-scriptlet', 'text/scriptlet',
) ;
# "registered". Registration helps the script remember which MIME type is
# expected by a page when downloading embedded URLs, e.g. style sheets. Any
# MIME types that need special treatment should be listed here if they're not
# already in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES.
# If you write a handler for a new MIME type in proxify_block(), and that type
# isn't already listed in @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES, then add it here.
@OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER= ('text/css') ;
# These are MIME types that we *may* try to rewrite in proxify_block(), e.g.
# to send all URLs back through this script. If a type isn't on this list,
# then we know for certain it should be sent back to the user unchanged,
# which saves time.
# If you write a handler for a new MIME type in proxify_block(), then add the
# type here.
# NOT all the types here are actually supported at this time!
# text/html is not on this list because currently it's handled specially.
@TYPES_TO_HANDLE= ('text/css',
'application/x-javascript', 'application/x-ecmascript',
'application/javascript', 'application/ecmascript',
'text/javascript', 'text/ecmascript',
'text/livescript', 'text/jscript',
) ;
# This is a list of all file extensions that will be disallowed if
# $TEXT_ONLY is set. It's an inexact science. If you want to ban
# other file extensions, you can add more to this list. Note that
# removing extensions from this list won't necessarily allow those
# files through, since there are other ways $TEXT_ONLY is implemented,
# such as only allowing MIME types of text/* .
# The format of this list is one long string, with the extensions
# separated by "|". This is because the string is actually used as
# a regular expression. Don't worry if you don't know what that means.
# Extensions are roughly taken from Netscape's "Helper Preferences" screen
# (but that was in 1996). A more complete list might be made from a
# mime.types file.
'gif|jpeg|jpe|jpg|tiff|tif|png|bmp|xbm' # images
. '|mp2|mp3|wav|aif|aiff|au|snd' # audios
. '|avi|qt|mov|mpeg|mpg|mpe' # videos
. '|gz|Z|exe|gtar|tar|zip|sit|hqx|pdf' # applications
. '|ram|rm|ra|swf' ; # others
# This is now set directly in footer(), the only place it's used.
# $PROXY_VERSION= '2.0.1' ;
# End of normal user configuration.
# Now, set or adjust all globals that remain constant for all runs.
# First, set various constants.
# These are used in rfc1123_date() and date_is_after().
@MONTH= qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) ;
@WEEKDAY= qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun) ;
%UN_MONTH= map { lc($MONTH[$_]), $_ } 0..$#MONTH ; # look up by month name
# Next, make copies of any constant environment variables, and fix as needed.
# SERVER_PORT and SCRIPT_NAME will be constant, and are used in several places.
# Besides, we need SCRIPT_NAME fixed before setting $THIS_SCRIPT_URL.
# SCRIPT_NAME should have a leading slash, but the old CGI "standard" from
# NCSA was unclear on that, so some servers didn't give it a leading
# slash. Here we ensure it has a leading slash.
$ENV_SCRIPT_NAME=~ s#^/?#/# ;
# Next, adjust config variables as needed, or create any needed constants from
# them.
# No error checking; assumes the proxy owner set @BANNED_NETWORKS correctly.
push(@BANNED_NETWORK_ADDRS, pack('C*', /(\d+)/g)) ;
# If $RUNNING_ON_SSL_SERVER is '', then guess based on SERVER_PORT.
# Set this constant based on whether the server is IIS, because we have to
# test it later for every run to work around a bug in IIS. A constant here
# saves time when using mod_perl.
# Create @NO_PROXY from $NO_PROXY for efficiency.
@NO_PROXY= split(/\s*,\s*/, $NO_PROXY) ;
# Base64-encode $PROXY_AUTH and $SSL_PROXY_AUTH if they're not encoded already.
$PROXY_AUTH= &base64($PROXY_AUTH) if $PROXY_AUTH=~ /:/ ;
# Guarantee URLs in @PROXY_GROUP have no trailing slash.
foreach (@PROXY_GROUP) { s#/$## }
# Create $NO_CACHE_HEADERS depending on $MINIMIZE_CACHING setting; it is placed
# in every response. Note that in all the "here documents" we use for error
# messages, it has to go on the same line as another header to avoid a blank
# line in the response.
? "Cache-Control: no-cache\015\012Pragma: no-cache\015\012"
: '' ;
# Canonicalize all MIME types to lowercase.
for (@SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES) { $_= lc }
for (@OTHER_TYPES_TO_REGISTER) { $_= lc }
# Create @ALL_TYPES and %MIME_TYPE_ID, which are inverses of each other.
# This is useful e.g. to identify the MIME type expected in a given download,
# in a one-character flag. That's why we limit this to 64 types for now.
# $ALL_TYPES[0] is '', so we can test e.g. "if $MIME_TYPE_ID{$id} ..." .
&HTMLdie("Too many MIME types to register.") if @ALL_TYPES > 64 ;
# Regex that matches a script MIME type.
$SCRIPT_TYPE_REGEX= '(' . join("|", @SCRIPT_MIME_TYPES) . ')' ;
# Regex that tells us whether we handle a given MIME type.
$TYPES_TO_HANDLE_REGEX= '(' . join("|", @TYPES_TO_HANDLE) . ')' ;
# Set $THIS_HOST to the best guess how this script was called-- use the
# Host: request header if available; otherwise, use SERVER_NAME.
# We don't bother with a $THIS_PORT, since it's more reliably set to the port
# through which the script was called. SERVER_NAME is much more likely to
# be different from the hostname that the user sees, since one server may
# handle many domains or have many hostnames.
if ($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} ne '') {
($THIS_HOST)= $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}=~ m#^(?:[\w+.-]+://)?([^:/?]*)# ;
} else {
# Build the constant $THIS_SCRIPT_URL from environment variables. Only include
# SERVER_PORT if it's not 80 (or 443 for SSL).
? 'https://' . $THIS_HOST
. ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==443 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT)
: 'http://' . $THIS_HOST
. ($ENV_SERVER_PORT==80 ? '' : ':' . $ENV_SERVER_PORT)
# End of initialization of constants.
} # unless ($HAS_BEGUN)
# Global constants are now set. Now do any initialization that is
# required for every run.
# OK, let's time this thing
#$starttime= time ;
#my($sutime,$sstime)= (times)[0,1] ;
# This is needed to run an NPH script under mod_perl.
# Other stuff needed for mod_perl:
# must use at least Perl 5.004, or STDIN and STDOUT won't behave correctly;
# cannot use exit();
# must initialize or reset all vars;
# regex's with /o option retain state between calls, so be careful;
# typeglobbing of *STDIN doesn't work, so must pass filehandles as strings.
local($|)= 1 ;
# In mod_perl, global variables are retained between calls, so they must
# be initialized correctly. In this program, (most) UPPER_CASE variables
# are persistent constants, i.e. they aren't changed after they're
# initialized above (in the $HAS_BEGUN block). We also assume that no
# lower_case variables are set before here. It's a little hacky and possibly
# error-prone if user customizations don't follow these conventions, but it's
# fast and simple.
# So, if you're using mod_perl and you make changes to this script, don't
# modify existing UPPER_CASE variables after the $HAS_BEGUN block above,
# don't set lower_case variables before here, and don't use UPPER_CASE
# variables for anything that will vary from run to run.
reset 'a-z' ;
$URL= '' ; # (almost) only uppercase variable that varies from run to run
# Store $now rather than calling time() multiple times.
$now= time ; # for (@goodmen)
# This script uses whatever version of HTTP the client is using. So far
# only 1.0 and 1.1 are supported.
($HTTP_VERSION)= $ENV{'SERVER_PROTOCOL'}=~ m#^HTTP/(\d+\.\d+)#i ;
$HTTP_VERSION= '1.0' unless $HTTP_VERSION=~ /^1\.[01]$/ ;
# Hack to support non-NPH installation-- luckily, the format of a
# non-NPH response is almost exactly the same as an NPH response.
# The main difference is the first word in the status line-- something
# like "HTTP/1.x 200 OK" can be simulated with "Status: 200 OK", as
# long as the server supports the Status: CGI response header. So,
# we set that first word to either "HTTP/1.x" or "Status:", and use
# it for all responses throughout the script.
# NOTE: This is not the only difference between an NPH and a non-NPH
# response. For example, the Location: header has different semantics
# between the two types of responses. This hack is only an approximation
# that we hope works most of the time. It's better to install the script
# as an NPH script if possible (which it almost always is).
# Technically, the HTTP version in the response is supposed to be the highest
# version supported by the server, even though the rest of the response may
# be in the format of an earlier version. Unfortunately, CGI scripts do
# not have access to that value; it's a hole in the CGI standard.
# Fix submitted by Alex Freed: Under some unidentified conditions,
# instances of nph-proxy.cgi can hang around for many hours and drag the
# system. So until we figure out why that is, here's a 10-minute timeout.
# Please write me with any insight into this, since I can't reproduce the
# problem. Under what conditions, on what systems, does it happen?
# 9-9-1999: One theory is that it's a bug in older Apaches, and is fixed by
# upgrading to Apache 1.3.6 or better. Julian Haight reports seeing the
# same problem with other scripts on Apache 1.3.3, and it cleared up when
# he upgraded to Apache 1.3.6. Let me know if you can confirm this.
# alarm() is missing on some systems (such as Windows), so use eval{} to
# avoid failing when alarm() isn't available.
$SIG{'ALRM'} = \&timeexit ;
eval { alarm(600) } ; # use where it works, ignore where it doesn't
# Exit upon timeout. If you wish, add code to clean up and log an error.
sub timeexit { $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} ? goto EXIT : exit 1 }
# Fix any environment variables that the server may have set wrong.
# Note that some constant environment variables are copied to variables above,
# and fixed there.
# The IIS server doesn't set PATH_INFO correctly-- it sets it to the entire
# request URI, rather than just the part after the script name. So fix it
# here if we're running on IIS. Thanks to Dave Moscovitz for the info!
# PATH_INFO may or may not be URL-encoded when we get it; it seems to vary
# by server. This script assumes it's still encoded. Thus, if it's not,
# we need to re-encode it.
# The only time this seems to come up is when spaces are in URLs, correctly
# represented in the URL as %20 but decoded to " " in PATH_INFO. Thus,
# this hack only focuses on space characters. It's a hack that I'm not at
# all comfortable with. :P
# Very yucky business, this encoding thing.
if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}=~ / /) {
$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/%/%25/g ;
$ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s/ /%20/g ;
# Copy often-used environment vars into scalars, for efficiency
$env_accept= $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT'} || '*/*' ; # may be modified later
# PATH_INFO consists of a path segment of flags, followed by the encoded
# target URL. For example, PATH_INFO might be something like
# "/010100A/http/www.example.com". The actual format of the flag segment
# is defined in the routine pack_flags().
# Thanks to Mike Harding for the idea of using another flag for the
# $is_in_frame parameter, instead of using two parallel scripts.
# Extract flags and encoded URL from PATH_INFO.
($packed_flags, $encoded_URL)= $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}=~ m#/([^/]*)/?(.*)# ;
# Set all $e_xxx variables ("effective-xxx") and anything else from flag
# segment of PATH_INFO. If user config is not allowed or if flag segment
# is not present, then set $e_xxx variables from hard-coded config variables
# instead (but still set anything else as needed from PATH_INFO).
if ( $ALLOW_USER_CONFIG && ($packed_flags ne '') ) {
($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer,
$e_insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type)=
&unpack_flags($packed_flags) ;
} else {
# $is_in_frame is set in any case. It indicates whether the current
# request will be placed in a frame.
($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads, $e_hide_referer,
$e_insert_entry_form, $is_in_frame, $expected_type)=
$INSERT_ENTRY_FORM, (&unpack_flags($packed_flags))[5..6] ) ;
# Set any other $e_xxx variables not from flag segment [none currently].
# Flags are now set, and $encoded_URL now contains only the encoded target URL.
# Create a one-flag test for whether we're inserting anything into THIS page.
# This must happen after user flags are read, just above.
$doing_insert_here= !$is_in_frame &&
( $e_insert_entry_form || ($INSERT_FILE ne '') || ($INSERT_HTML ne '') ) ;
# One user reported problems with binary files on certain other OS's, and
# this seemed to fix it. Supposedly, either this or the "binmode S"
# statements below the newsocketto() calls work, or all; I'm putting all in.
# Tell me anything new you figure out about this.
binmode STDOUT ;
# parse URL, make checks, and set various globals
# Calculate $url_start for use later in &full_url() and elsewhere. It's an
# integral part of &full_url(), placed here for speed, similar to the
# variables set in &fix_base_vars.
# $url_start is the first part of every proxified URL. A complete proxified
# URL is made by appending &proxy_encode(URL) (and possibly a #fragment) to
# $url_start. $url_start normally consists of the current script's URL
# (or one from @PROXY_GROUP), plus a flag segment in PATH_INFO, complete
# with trailing slash. For example, a complete $url_start might be
# "http://www.example.com/path/nph-proxy.cgi/010110A/" .
# $url_start_inframe and $url_start_noframe are used to force the frame flag
# on or off, for example when proxifying a link that causes frames to be
# entered or exited. Otherwise, most links inherit the current frame state.
# $script_url is used later for Referer: support, and whenever a temporary
# copy of $url_start has to be generated.
# In earlier versions of CGIProxy, $url_start was called $this_url, which is
# really what it was originally. Its semantics had drifted somewhat since
# then, so they have been cleaned up, and $url_start is now more descriptive.
# Set $url_start to a random element of @PROXY_GROUP, if that is set.
# srand is automatically called in Perl 5.004 and later. It might be
# desirable to seed based on the URL, so that multiple requests for
# the same URL go through the same proxy, and may thus be cached.
#srand( unpack('%32L*', $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) ) ; # seed with URL+flags
$script_url= $PROXY_GROUP[ rand(scalar @PROXY_GROUP) ] ;
} else {
$script_url= $THIS_SCRIPT_URL ;
# Create $url_start and any needed variants: "$script_url/flags/"
$url_start_inframe= $script_url . '/' .
&pack_flags($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads,
$e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, 1, '') . '/' ;
$url_start_noframe= $script_url . '/' .
&pack_flags($e_remove_cookies, $e_remove_scripts, $e_filter_ads,
$e_hide_referer, $e_insert_entry_form, 0, '') . '/' ;
$url_start= $is_in_frame ? $url_start_inframe : $url_start_noframe ;
# If there's no $encoded_URL, then start a browsing session.
&show_start_form() if $encoded_URL eq '' ;
# Decode the URL.
$URL= &proxy_decode($encoded_URL) ;
# Set the query string correctly, from either $ENV{QUERY_STRING} or what's
# already in $URL.
# The query string may exist in either the encoded URL or in the containing
# URL, as $ENV{QUERY_STRING}. If the former, then the query string was
# (definitely?) in a referenced URL, while the latter most likely implies a
# GET form input. Either query string is valid, but form input takes
# precedence-- if $ENV{QUERY_STRING} exists, it should be used over any
# query string in the encoded URL.
# Note that Netscape does not pass any query string data that is part of the
# URL in the